RPO Insourcing


RPO Insourcing

We Offer:

  • Augmentation to your existing recruitment teams to ensure top talent is being delivered as efficiently as possible
  • Seamlessly complement your existing talent acquisition program, acting as an extension of your organization
  • Flexibility and scalability to fulfill continuously changing needs
  • Dedicated and experienced Talent Acquisition team
  • Our RPO specialists will convey your employee value proposition
  • Sourcing tools and technologies to streamline the TA process
  • Reporting on performance management and metrics (SLA, KPI) to ensure we are meeting your organization’s goals
  • Holistic data analytics and intelligence to provide best-in-class recommendations regarding your talent acquisition process


Our RPO Insourced solution allows organizations to meet their unique workforce needs by blending insourced and outsourced talent acquisition strategies. We collaborate to divide elements of the talent lifecycle between your internal teams and our talent acquisition specialists, tailoring the process to your specific requirements.

For instance, if you only need support for front-end sourcing or back-end offer administration, we can provide those services while your team manages the rest.

Our solution is designed for flexibility and scalability, enabling us to respond to your evolving needs and accommodate any fluctuations in demand. With our expertise, we integrate seamlessly into your organization and adapt to any real-time talent requests.

Think-Career™ RPO is a leading talent acquisition outsourcing firm that provides tailored workforce solutions for organizations across industries.